Real Auto S.r.l
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Frequently asked questions
To contact our administration, contact the numbers:
To contact technical support you can contact the following numbers:
To know the modalities & aacute; of return download the following files:
Our couriers are FedEx Express and Fercam Logistics and Transport. You can track the shipment through an identification number.
Casco quality is the result of constant collaboration with the major suppliers in the sector, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Jtekt Official Dealer.
Basic settings: download the pdf here to understand the technical data sheets.
Steering wheels: download the pdf here with the technical sheet.
Windscreen wipers: download the pdf here with the technical sheet.
To know all the details and understand how to read our references download this file
Here is the guide to our e-commerce where you will find all the steps for buying online.
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